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Teacher Gregory

Piano Teacher Gregory


WhatsApp us at 97500579 to find out more!



ABRSM Grade 8

Diploma in Piano Teaching


Full-time piano teacher with 40 years of experience in teaching Jazz, Pop and Classical Piano courses. I have undergone courses for pop piano including jazz piano courses.


Over my years, I have taught from young children to adults from total beginners who are in their 40’s, 50’s or even 60’s! I teach chords, bass-rhythm, harmony and voice parts. Left-hand accompaniment styling and techniques too. Including improvisations. I also teach accompaniment courses to accompany a singing voice on the piano. Take up a piano course with me and I will teach you the songs or pieces that you like. I promise to bring the joy of music to your life, maybe even bring back some fond memories, trust me!

Playing a musical instrument is one of the best ways to destress and relax. And it gives you a sense of achievement and self-worth.

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