Well, we were all piano students once and we all knew how hard it can be to juggle both school work and the piano. While we can't control how enjoyable your piano journey can be, here are some memes we hope to make your day :) Enjoy!
1. When you feel lazy and tell your piano teacher that you have something on this week , she tells you she has 123892957945 other available time slot for you to choose from...

(Credits: makeameme.org)
2. When your piano lesson was super crazy but you managed to survive til the end....

(Credits: memecenter.com)
3. When you impressed your piano teacher but actually haven't touch the piano at all since the previous lesson....

(Credits: memegen.com)
4. You urgently needs the toilet but your piano teacher is just going on and on....

(Credits: Pinterest.com)
5. When your neighbour thinks your piano practicing is too noisy and wants to contest with his television volume....

(Credits: erepublik.com)
6. When your mum thinks you are a genius but you are actually just playing Canaries (Grade 1)....

(Credits: memegenerator.com)
7. Two weeks before your piano practical exam and you are just chilling...

(Credits: relatably.com)
8. After your exam...

(Credits: quickmeme.com)
9. When you tell your mum about your miserable performance at the piano exams but instead of scolding you, she encourages you

(Credits: frabz.com)
10. And the next day, all you do is...

Happy learning everyone! Piano is <3!