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8 Reasons Why Your Teenage Kid Should Listen To Classical Music

Wen Feng

Teenager Listening To Classical Music

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Teenagers, who are aged between 13 to 19 years old, are at the development phase whereby they are experiencing growth both physically and mentally. This is the phase whereby an individual will experience things such as uncontrollable emotions or even physical pain. While there are many ways to deal with such problems, classical music is an easily accessible solution which will aid teenagers in their development phase throughout the years. Here are 8 reasons why your teenage kid should listen to classical music.

1. Anti-Depression

Statistics have shown that as every 100 minutes pass, a teenager will take his or her own life due to depression. Tony Jurich, a professor of family studies and human services at Kansas State University, commented that because teenagers are at the emotional phase whereby they feel that they are invincible, they are more prone to be overwhelmed by hopelessness, thinking that they have no control over their lives when they encounter difficulties emotionally. It is also believed that the increase in teenagers suffering from depression is due to the increasing societal expectations such as the need to excel academically.

Classical music is said to have tempos that are similar to the human's heartbeat rate, which will help to soothe anxiety and depression. There are a lot of studies to back up this theory, and coupled up with the fact that classical music are often used by psychiatrists for music therapy, it is pretty obvious what classical music can do to help ease and calm the emotions of teenagers, be it whether they are suffering from depression or not.

2. Boost Happiness

The teenager phase is probably the most memorable phase of life for most people. This is a phase where people tend to have a lot of fun and create a lot of fond memories, a phase where they do not have to worry much about pretty much everything except for their academic results. This is the stage whereby one should be happy instead of suffering from stress and depression.

It is scientifically proven that listening to classical music increases the dopamine secretion of a person. This means that an individual will feel more happy when they listen to classical music, giving teenagers another reason to listen to classical music.

3. Pain Relief

While this benefit of listening to classical music applies more to girls, there are some benefits for boys too. It is extremely common for teenagers to experience puberty, and often enough, puberty comes with a lot of physical pain. For example, when a girl enters puberty, the development of their breast will cause them to feel soreness or pain in that part of their body. There is also menstruation, the worst nightmare of all females. Also, most teenagers will engage in a lot of physical activities such as sports, and playing sports usually results in sore muscles.

There are numerous researches and studies to prove that classical music relieves pain. While it doesn't work like a paracetamol, classical music helps us to relax, which will release muscle tension and ultimately reduce the pain that one is experiencing.

4. Boost Memory

Most of a teenager's life revolves around education and fun. Most educational subjects require certain amount of memorising. There are studies that have shown that listening to classical music will help a person memorise things easier and faster. Listening to Mozart's music while memorising, in particular, has exhibited amazing results! In fact, it is so effective that most researchers, who need to read and memorise a lot, listen to classical music to improve their efficiency during their researches.

Hence, it is an obvious fact that listening to classical music while studying will help a teenager study better and faster. And when they require lesser time to study, you know what that means, more play time!

5. Sparks Creativity

Projects or brainstorming activities are a norm in a teenager's school life, and these activities require creativity! Although classical music will not boost your creativity instantly, listening to classical music while engaging in such activities will help to get you in a more creative mood and mindset. This is also another reason why researches listen to classical music, as researching often involves quite a fair bit of creativity.

6. Productivity

Now that you know that listening to classical music helps to boost your memory and creativity, it is a no brainer that productivity will definitely be higher when you do so.

Studies have proved that listening to classical music while doing repetitive tasks will make doing such tasks more enjoyable. Let's be honest here, most teenagers HATE subjects such as mathematics, which is extremely boring and because of the amount of practice needed, the subjects can feel very repetitive. Thus, listening to classical music will help to increase a teenager's productivity when studying, which means lesser study time and more play time!

7. Better Sleep

Sleep is easily one of the most important factor in the development of a teenager. Because of how rapidly their body is growing, having sufficient rest and sleep will help a teenager to grow better. Having better sleep also helps with cognitive abilities, which will aid a teenager in their studies and sports.

Teenagers, with their high level of activity physically and mentally, will tend to face sleepless nights or difficulties to fall asleep. Consider listening to classical music 45 minutes before sleeping! Studies have shown that people who do so tend to fall asleep much faster than those who do not!

8. Emotional Development

Most teenagers listen to either pop, rock, or electronic music nowadays. Although these choices of music are popular, being popular might not necessarily mean that it is beneficial to you! Truth is, rock and electronic music are often loud and repetitive, and these music often stimulates the emotions of unrest and chaos, which is definitely not what a teenager should feel all the time. Also, the majority of pop music is about happiness over love or depression over breakups.

While it doesn't affect a teenager negatively like rock and electronic music might, pop music doesn't seem to help much in the emotional development of a teenager. Classical music, on the other hand, displays a wide variety of emotions. Listening to classical music will help to enrich a teenager's emotional aspect and help them to understand emotions better.

To sum it up, listening to classical music brings tremendous amount of benefits to teenagers. However, the problem is, most teenagers find classical music dull and boring. Parents should try to talk to their teenage kids about the benefits of listening to classical music based on their kid's interests. For example, if they like to play sports, simply explain to them how listening to classical music can help to ease their muscle pain and soreness after sports games. The best method, of course, is to make it a habit to listen to classical music before sleeping since young.

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Wen Feng is a passionate music aficionado. He is constantly on the search for new music to listen to, with a particular interest in classical music. Piano pieces have always been a great companion and kept him calm throughout his school and work life.

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