If you are trying to get your child or teenage son/daughter interested in classical or orchestral music, Beethoven or Mozart may not be a very good start. A person's brain remodelling happens intensively during adolescence, continuing into their mid-20s. They should be exposed to a range of activities which their brains can be stimulated by and in this case, music that has rapid speed, upbeat rhythms are what they respond to the most. Video game soundtracks, TV show & movie soundtracks can be a starting point for them to get interested in the orchestral scene.
1. Genshin Impact - Liyue OST
Genshin Impact is a role-playing free game developed and published by miHoYo. The game features a fantasy open-world environment and action-based battle system using elemental magic and character-switching. It is currently one of the most popular video games today and they are also known for their soundtracks. In the video, the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra plays the battle background music which features Chinese instrumentals to reflect the East Asian inspired fantasy world 'Li Yue' in Genshin Impact.
2. The Avengers Theme Song
The Avengers needs no introduction as they have been massively popular with the public ever since they released the first Iron Man movie. Whether you are a kid or an adult, anyone can enjoy the Marvel franchise and its movies. However, the Avengers theme song is what makes the franchise the icon it is today. It is recognised anywhere and every corner of the world. Watching the orchestra perform this theme song is sure to get your kid interested in classical music!
3. Frozen - Let It Go
Queen Elsa and Princess Anna have been massive hits ever since the Frozen movie first came out in 2013. Young girls all over the world have been wearing their merchandise and singing 'Let It Go' as if its their national anthem. The first step in a musical journey is to play the song you enjoy so that you don't see it as a chore. So putting ourselves in a child's mindset, 'Let It Go' would be the perfect song for beginner piano players!
4. Harry Potter Hogwarts Symphony
The Harry Potter franchise has reigned for over 2 decades and they are still going strong with the release of the Fantastic Beast movies. Every child who has read the books or watched the movies would have wished that they were studying in the magical school of witchcraft & wizardry, Hogwarts. The theme song of Harry Potter is not only popular among young children & teenagers but adults as well. So perhaps bonding over Harry Potter could be a step towards your child's musical journey!
5. Kimi No Na Wa (Your Name)
Another popular movie that exploded is 'Kimi No Na Wa' or 'Your Name' . It is a Japanese animation film (anime) that garnered worldwide attention when it was released in theatres. Its touching story, and the chemistry between the two main characters captured the hearts of viewers all around the globe. This might be targeted towards teenagers mostly, as children may not completely understand the plot of the movie.
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